Apex Legends FPS stuff and such.

Full guides:

These guides could be updated and could have more info in the comments. Settings below is what I use.

Hover over red text for notes.

Launch Options

Origin → My Game Library → Right-click Apex Legends → Game Properties → Advanced Launch Options

+exec autoexec -refresh 120 -preload -threads 16 -forcenovsync -fullscreen -novid


Apex Installation Folder\cfg\autoexec.cfg

fps_max 121
cl_forcepreload 1
mat_copressedtextures 1
cl_ragdoll_collide 0


C:\Users\Your username\Saved Games\Respawn\Apex\local\videoconfig.txt

	"setting.cl_gib_allow"		"0"
	"setting.cl_particle_fallback_base"		"3"
	"setting.cl_particle_fallback_multiplier"		"2"
	"setting.cl_ragdoll_maxcount"		"0"
	"setting.cl_ragdoll_self_collision"		"1"
	"setting.mat_depthfeather_enable"		"0"
	"setting.mat_forceaniso"		"1"
	"setting.mat_mip_linear"		"0"
	"setting.stream_memory"		"1509949"
	"setting.mat_picmip"		"0"
	"setting.particle_cpu_level"		"0"
	"setting.r_createmodeldecals"		"0"
	"setting.r_decals"		"0"
	"setting.r_lod_switch_scale"		"0.350000"
	"setting.shadow_enable"		"0"
	"setting.shadow_depth_dimen_min"		"0"
	"setting.shadow_depth_upres_factor_max"		"0"
	"setting.shadow_maxdynamic"		"0"
	"setting.ssao_enabled"		"0"
	"setting.ssao_downsample"		"3"
	"setting.modeldecals_forceAllowed"		"1"
	"setting.dvs_enable"		"0"
	"setting.dvs_gpuframetime_min"		"15000"
	"setting.dvs_gpuframetime_max"		"16500"
	"setting.defaultres"		    "1920"
	"setting.defaultresheight"		"1080"
	"setting.fullscreen"		"1"
	"setting.nowindowborder"		"0"
	"setting.volumetric_lighting"		"0"
	"setting.mat_vsync_mode"		"0"
	"setting.mat_backbuffer_count"		"1"
	"setting.mat_antialias_mode"		"0"
	"setting.csm_enabled"		"1"
	"setting.csm_coverage"		"1"
	"setting.csm_cascade_res"		"512"
	"setting.fadeDistScale"		"1.000000"
	"setting.dvs_supersample_enable"		"0"
	"setting.gamma"		"1.000000"
	"setting.configversion"		"7"

* r_lod_switch_scale - changes distance of LOD models/textures. 0.6 is default value. 0.0 gives most FPS but almost unplayable - unrecognizable pickups, some rocks aren't visible etc. 0.35 still gives somewhat noticeable switches between normal and LOD textures.